
Google Launches New Digital Marketplace To Sell Cloud Apps And Services

google cloud app marketplace

In an endeavor to match its arch-nemesis Amazon, Google has today announced the launch of its very own digital market place where it'll sell deject apps and services to enterprises, too as other organizations. This volition simplify the discovery and integration process of tertiary-party apps with your cloud services, reducing dependence on unsecured sources.

Google is not shouldering the task to build the cloud app marketplace by itself. The search behemothic has instead decided to partner with MobileIron, a mobile device security, and direction company. This partnership will encounter Google combine the services from eastward-commerce platform Orbitera, which it acquired dorsum in 2016, with MobileIron's expertise in app distribution and security to distribute deject apps to its customers.

The primary aim of this partnership undertaken by Google is to offer businesses a quicker and simpler method to create an integrated and secure market. They can then apply the same to streamline the billing, application entitlement or authentication process for their authorized customers.

In the official blog post, Marcin Kurc, Google Deject's Head of Commerce talks about their partnership with MobileIron and says:

By combining MobileIron's security and enterprise mobility management tools with Orbitera, we're creating one identify to deploy, secure, manage and analyze business applications.

This platform is completely flexible and scalable, equally per the needs of an organisation, and Google is going a pace further to make businesses adopt the aforementioned. It is offering custom bundles, branding, a single detailed bill for all services such as information, voice and third-political party cloud services, along with an analysis of their information usage.

This is Google's latest attempt to maintain and grow its presence in the cloud space, which is ruled by the likes of Amazon Web Services. The erstwhile has recently directed quite a lot of focus towards pushing the boundaries of machine learning (ML) and AI technologies but is non planning to give up its position in the cloud space just notwithstanding.

This cloud app marketplace, every bit per CNBC's written report, is expected to debut in the second half of 2018. It volition initially target telecom operators such equally AT&T and Deutsche Telecom, so they can sell cloud services to their customers through an intuitive interface that is much safer to use and pay for services on the fly.


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