
How To Repair Xbox One Elite Controller Bumper

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This is ane of the reasons why I'm holding off on getting the elite controller. MS has burned usa earlier. I refuse to drop $150 on an "elite" controller than is in some cases worse than the basic $60 version.

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Hey at that place, I'm pitiful to meet yous're having problems with your controller. I do wish the warranty was a lot longer too. Just you can send in your controllers for repair or replacements. It's all-time if your console is even so covered by warranty as you won't need to pay much at all or whatever for that affair. A few people complain than Microsoft only services consoles and controllers. That's not entirely truthful. You just demand to know where exactly to look and who to speak to.

This link I am sending will tell you how to go your aristocracy controller serviced back

SEND IN THE Blank CONTROLLER if you need that fixed, keep the removable sticks and DPAD, every bit you will be sent back a barebone controller.

You tin also asking replacement pieces incase yous've lost thumbsticks/paddles or they have broken.

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Cheers for the reply, His Pet Foliage, but this doesn't quite answer my question. The link yous sent is invalid but I managed to find the page about servicing the Elite Controller. However, my Xbox is out of warranty since April 2022 (originally purchased Apr 2022), and the only options I get while on the device replacement page are to pay $ten for new analog sicks, paddles, or a d-pad. The event with my current Elite Controller is that the plastic joint that holds the right bumper broke off later on normal apply. My bumper was completely loose inside of its' slot and I was able to wiggle information technology out of its' joint. If there is an option to have it replaced for a fee, or actually gratuitous of charge for that affair, I would love to know.

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Woops sorry about the link, guess information technology didn't copy and paste direct. Here'southward the correct one:


I myself haven't had to do this yet thankfully, there'south the step to cull which acccessory blazon to supersede/repair. Im guessing you chose the Elite Controller and it only brought up the removable components. Effort heading back to that screen and choosing the Controller choice instead. Meet if at that place's any options it tin can requite you.

The Elite Controller is a monster of it's ain though, that choice might not even piece of work. I hope you can get it straightened out. $150 for a newspaper weight is no adept. I might try and sell mine earlier it happens to me. :/ I really wish the warranty was extended to like a year. At that place are petitions going on in the feedback program. Don't know how much traction they're getting though.

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My Aristocracy controller left thumb ill floats up and downward. I've only had it for most 7 months with very express use.  Microsoft only has a 90 mean solar day warranty, for a faulty product which is BS for a $200 controller! Every other company I know of would replace a defective production and stand by their products, but Microsoft doesn't. Don't buy an aristocracy controller from Microsoft because they produce defective products and will not replace them.

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So is at that place whatsoever member of staff that wants to comment on this thread? I feel that the next viable step is a letter of complaint because online requests are getting nowhere. This is absolutely unacceptable that Microsoft continues to brush this off and plow a blind eye to their mistakes.

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Hey at that place Arctosys.

Really sorry to hear about the trouble with your Xbox One Elite Controller. The information that His Pet Leaf provided is correct. Unfortunately if your controller is outside of the warranty catamenia you'll need to purchase a replacement. Thanks a ton for your understanding.

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Owned mine for about a calendar month and yet once more the bumpers broke. Why can't they come up with a better design or at least an easier style for us to replace them since they suspension then much?

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I have the same problem with the bumper on my controller. As well equally the prophylactic peeling autonomously on the rear of the hand grips.

The link to returns does not work, and i have spent an hr trying valiantly to find someone to speak to in gild to resolve this.

My warranty has simply simply expired, which makes information technology a very poor purchase considering the huge toll for it.

Controllers have always lasted me at least 5 years, so i expected the Elite would exist fifty-fifty more than robust. Sadly it is non and i will be looking for a replacement or at the very least an offer to become it repaired free of accuse.

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I can't help but to call up this is some sort of marketing strategy. I love the controller when it is working. My correct bumper also broke after minimal utilize. I had to buy special tools and a replacement bumper. It is a very tedious task trying to set this. I could not get all the intricate parts to go back together with complete integrity. I kept having to take information technology back autonomously to try and fit everything merely right. It simply took a few attempts at trying to get information technology together the right manner before the new part likewise broke.  I concluded upward throwing the whole thing away. This was awhile ago. I really miss the Elite, just I tin can't pull the trigger to buy a new 1 since they take not made any improvements to the really poor blueprint. I'm not the brightest individual in the world, just I can't discover any reason for the design except as a marketing tool. They are absolutely aware that this blueprint will break


Notice how the left and correct bumper are a 1 piece plastic mold. Notice the thin bridge betwixt the two bumpers. When you lot press a bumper, the plastic bends. The bending of the plastic acts like a jump in that information technology springs back to information technology'south original state. Anyone with with the intellect of a child tin realize that when you continue to bend plastic, it will crease and shortly after break. There is no style Microsoft is non aware of this flaw. Their extremely minimal if whatever reaction to the years of online complaints is pushing me towards the thought that perchance this blueprint was intentional in an effort to push button consumers into having to buy more than than one. The three month warranty falls well short of reasonable for a so called $150.00 premium device. About products have at least a one year warranty.

I try not to take online gaming too seriously, but information technology is very frustrating to run into a significant decline in my stats when having to utilize the stock controller. Past the way, I have never had to replace a stock controller. Gone are the days of integrity and quality. We all the same take some in sporting and hunting market. Any decent sporting appurtenances manufacturer will replace or make a really good compromise with any product concerns. This is  merely not the instance with Microsoft and much of the tech manufacture. Very disappointed in Microsoft for taking advantage of their customers.  On principle lonely, I will not purchase an Aristocracy again. Not even if they fix it. This problem has been in beingness for too long sending the message of just not caring for or appreciating their  customers.  I accept been searching for some time online hoping to see Microsoft saying they are aware of this issue and are working hard to remedy information technology. Accept constitute absolutely zilch.

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How To Repair Xbox One Elite Controller Bumper,


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